
Contact Us

Contact Us

We’d love to hear from you! Whether you’re a music lover, performer, or just curious about our events, we’re here to help. At Jazz Jurassica, we bring live music to life in Lyme Regis and Seaton and the surrounding Jurassic Coast, and it’s always great to hear from you.

Get in Touch

For general enquiries, ticket information, or event details, feel free to drop us a message.  We will do our best to respond promptly and provide all the info you need.

We don’t have a telephone contact number but we’re very responsive on email. Don’t hesitate to ping us an email, it won’t sit in an inbox unnoticed. We’ll be on it as quick as a flash.

📧 Email:

Venue Locations

Our events are hosted in a range of different  venues across Lyme Regis, and Seaton depending on the type of event. From the iconic Marine Theatre to intimate jazz supper gigs at The Royal Lion Hotel. For directions or accessibility information, visit our Venues page. for more information about the venues, visit Marine Theatre and The Gateway Theatre

Stay Connected

Be the first to know about upcoming gigs, exclusive news, and special offers by joining our mailing list or following us on social media.

Sign up for email alerts here

📷 Instagram: @JazzJurassica
👍 Facebook: @lymeregisjazzfestival

Performers and Partnerships

Are you a musician or band looking to join our lineup? Or perhaps you’d like to collaborate with Jazz Jurassica? We’re always on the lookout for fresh talent and exciting partnerships. Reach out to us and let’s make it happen!

Find Us in Lyme Regis

Lyme Regis is the jewel of the Jurassic Coast, a stunning seaside town where music and culture meet. Our events are designed to celebrate the magic of live jazz, blues, funk, and soul in this breathtaking location. Whether you’re local or visiting, we’re thrilled to welcome you.

🎶 Jazz Jurassica – Bringing the best of live music to the Jurassic Coast!

We’d love to hear from you. Tell us if we can sort out a problem, make something happen or stop bugging you. We’re here to help.


For all enquiries, please contact us by email:

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Contact Us - it's selfie time